Master the Art of Finding Hidden Chests in Lords of the Fallen

Loot and treasure are what drive many adventurers in Lords of the Fallen to bravely delve into dangerous ruins and monster-infested crypts. However, the best loot is often hidden from plain view, sealed within coveted chests squirreled away in out-of-the-way nooks and crannies. This guide reveals the secrets to tracking down every concealed chest through meticulous searching and clever deduction.


Scour Every Inch of a Room

The first fundamental is to conduct a slow, thorough scan of any cleared room from floor to ceiling. Many chests nestle into precarious ledges or small hidden alcoves that require eagle-eyed perception to discern from the surroundings. Give special focus to corners, wooden platforms, and nook crannies that seem too tight for most foes.

Chip away bramble, break barrels, and smash urns and crates, as chests can hide within destructible containers too. Slide your camera view underneath furniture like tables or rubble piles as well. Leave no stone or wooden plank unturned until fully scrutinized from all angles.

Investigate Above and Below

Many clever chest placements occupy higher or lower spaces than your initial vantage. Examine floors above for weak wooden panels or ceiling tiles begging to be shattered. Slide smoothly down slopes and peer under overlooks with your camera. Natural walls and constructed barricades also provide concealed ledges underneath to scan.

Use targeted jumps or falling attacks to smash interactable spots overhead like hanging planters that may shield bounty. Multilevel stages especially thrive on chests distributed amongst all vertical planes to encourage vertical slicing and searching.

Detect Hidden Mechanisms

Not all chests rely on wooden crates, destructible scenery, or being visually apparent. Some lurk behind pressure plates, switches, and hidden mechanisms. Roll through piles of bones or prickly bushes finding hidden buttons. Seek recesses in wall incongruities where a well-timed strike triggers a switch.

Ingenious players employ detect magic or thieves' tools to sense false walls, magical chest auras, and hidden stonework. With intimate knowledge of each stage, veterans know where concealed switches tend to lie in wait for the discerning explorer.

Embrace Online Resources

For the truly stubborn caches, consulting other players online shares cumulative knowledge of the community's hardest-found treasures. Video walkthroughs showcase expert chest-hunter routes through stages, revealing spots average lords miss. Forum maps and text guides direct treasure seekers to rewarding secret stashes.

With diligent searching, deductive reasoning, and a little outside help, no hidden chest in Lords of the Fallen remains unplundered. may these tips help spelunkers masterfully uncover every last crumb of precious loot concealed within the game's richly rewarding world.

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